Online Content

AddF offers various kinds of free researched online content.

You can find dossiers on persons, organisations and topics concerning the history of the German women’s movement (only available in German). The selection is not representative, but corresponds with the documents in our archive and library. As we continually gain new personal assets, archives and various documents of associations, journals, books and photographs, new dossiers are published accordingly and thematically.

Furthermore, we are active on Social Media and issue annual series on the platforms.

In 2021, in celebration of her 125th Birthday, we did a series on lawyer and politician Elisabeth Selbert. You can find all posts here (only available in German). 2022 was dedicated to publisher, author, campaigner for women's rights and politician Minna Cauer, whos centennial death day was in August - all of those posts can be found here. (only available in German)

In addition to the annual series, we have an irregular series on women photographers (only available in German).

In July 2022, we started a cooperation with Monacensia im Hildebrandhaus, Munich, who have an exhibition on Women in bohemian Munich ("Frei Leben! Die Frauen der Boheme 1890-1920"). In various blog- and Social-Media posts, we view the topics of the exhibition from a historical point, connecting them to the women's movement. You can find all of our blogs and posts on the topic here. Additionally, our dossiers on writer Gabriele Reuter and discussions on marriage ("Die Ehe als Streitfall") were written in connection to the exhibition. (Only available in German).

Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung
Gottschalkstraße 57
D - 34127 Kassel
Tel.: +49 (0)561-989 36 70
Fax: +49 (0)561-989 36 72


Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Thursday
11-17 o'clock and by appointment


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Online Content