
In this section, you will find information on our annual magazine  "Ariadne. Forum for Women's and Gender History", our scientific series, as well as information on the published works of our employees.


Our scientific journal "Ariadne. Forum für Frauen- und Geschlechtergeschichte" ("Ariadne. Forum for Women's and Gender History") was first published in 1985 (formerly under the name: "Almanach of the Archive of the German Women's Movement"), three issues being released every year until 1990. After that, it was published twice a year until 2019. Since then, we are down to one issue per year, each being dedicated to a specific topic.
List of all published issues (only available in German)
Recent issue (only available in German)

Scientific Series

Since 1986 the scientific series is released at irregular intervals. The series is devoted to results from research projects as well as bibliographic aids like register books for journals and a special volume in honor of the 10-year existence of the Archive of the German Women's Movement.
List of all published volumes (only available in German)

Further Publications

Within the framework of various projects further publications have been released by different publishers and are available at bookstores.
List of these books (only available in German)

List of various published works by employees (only available in German)

Archiv der deutschen Frauenbewegung
Gottschalkstraße 57
D - 34127 Kassel
Tel.: +49 (0)561-989 36 70
Fax: +49 (0)561-989 36 72


Opening Hours:
Tuesday to Thursday
11-17 o'clock and by appointment


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